Monday, January 18, 2010

PR's and World Records

some quick videos to put down . btw. We're in Orlando now, just pulled in, this afternoon, I think. I slept through the spotting, I guess. Tony (sax - US), Cricket (clown - US) and I had this great idea during last shows yesterday and loud out, to stay up "TILL THE TRAIN MOVES" it's an unofficial post load out tradition i guess one could say. it sure is fun to be up when the train first starts moving though. although in this case. the train was cut up , so the first movement was just to link up the cuts and THEN roll out - a 1 -2 hour process so we were told, so it wasn't THAT eventful of a move, but still!

Anyway . just posting some videos here. So Cricket, as a clown, has to do PRs from time to time. pretty much all the main performers have got to do PRs weekly. THankfully, or maybe not, we band guys don't have to do those. A lot of times . on a day off or 1 show days they've gotta get picked up at 6 AM or sometimes earlier. Psh, whatever with THAT.
BUT they get to be on TV spots or go to schools for meet and greets, or photo ops for the papers in that town. So .... that's cool .
well, here's a TV spot with a few clowns, and some flyers. (trapeze girls) well, some. they do this aerial act. and Eric and Tara (US) are flyers, and Luana (Brazil) who's a dancer . Cool spot. Cricket does most of the talking and he's got this funny little voice which actually isn't TOO far off his "actual" voice. Also, of note, the clown, Ben, is this video is from San Antonio, TX which is pretty neat, as is Oscar the clown. How bout that? (.)

Here's the stinkin' video already!

Some really important circus type news . check THIS out!

pretty important stuff right? (.) so Ivo's (Ivo Silva Jr. - Brazil) been cracking at this all winter quarters and through our first shows. etc. and i've heard people speculate that he'd get it, but not until halfway through the tour or something ... it's a really rare thing, of course, you know this IF, in fact you DID click on the link ....
well, he got it, first city out. right there in Tampa! and the place went NUTS. the band started hollering and i know i missed a bunch of notes in his big Style fanfare music. crazy .
here's his youtube video . etc

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