We started to "wonder" (get it?) if anyone actually occupied this residence upon spying the mailbox out front - well, apparrently, whoever does likes to save their pennies and gets the weekly coupons, perhaps to buy more building material.

And ... here's a HUGE statue. Out in one of the suburbs of Houston is a giant statute of Quan-Am, one of the Buddhists deities. not much to say - it was huge and the temple was beautiful.
Quan-Am, one of the Buddhists deities. not much to say - it was huge and the temple was beautiful.
there was a man praying inside the temple, so i chose not to go in, though people were free to. It was a little overcast that day and really muggy, but it was a nice break to just walk around the grounds and get some nice shots.
now, to be fair, this wasn't "exactly" in Houston, this was in Sugarland, but who's splitting hairs? We got lucky in this town as Jonathon had family and was able to borrow a car for the 2 weeks that we were there. Uusally it's all cabs and feet when exploring the cities, and cabs, while convenient, can get pricey - so we've been known to fit was many as 5 Passengers in a standard issue cab! We're all family afterall, right?
man in camoflauge standing on a picture of a horse?
that's "Pie Car" John. It's pretty simple - we call him that cause there's where he works: at the pie car. We've all done that at our work places - identify people by their department : "Ya know, Rachel from receiving." "Have you met Robert from HR?" etc... only here, it's more like "Floor Amber" (people who work props and set on the floor), "Concessions Billy," "Kate-nursery," Aaron from elephants." "Exotics Laura" (works with the exotic animals) and, of course, "Jay-clown"
We're in Dallas there, and they opened up the Dallas Mavericks' practice court for us to mess around. Ah, the perks of circus life! I'm kidding!
Now, to be honest, those aren't "really" camo pants. if you look close it's actually a bunch of images of culinary items like mixing bowls, and spoons, and such. those are his work pants. I think they're pretty nifty - but employees of the pie car don't seem to agree - i'm still trying to convince them to sell me a pair.
by the way, I'm Jaime - Band Guy