speaking of flies, it seems we're dropping LIKE them.
i think we've got about 12-14 performers out with injuries right now.
Rollo is one of our star clowns, he's one half of "Pepe and Rollo" (from Spain and France respectively) and they play sort of the sidekicks of Chuck the ringmaster as he battles with Tom Daugherty our Star clown for control of the ringmaster hat and, subsequently, the show. He also does (DID) this awesome part of the show where he played "What a Wonderful World" on the trumpet while balancing on his HEAD!
anyway, Rollo's out with a bad knee and may not return.
we've got a cossack horse rider out with a busted leg something.
two inner tube ukranians out with a bad ankle and wrist.
i think a couple of from our Henan troop are out. one, in particular, Wong Long had a BAD turn of events recently.
for some reason - no accident as far as i know - he's lost his SIGHT!
it was slow going at first, but now he's just about completly blind.
this kid's great too, very charismatic, everyone loves him - everyone's friend - great performer great showman.
here in Denver he had some doctor visits scheduled - and now he's already gone back to China.
i think there was something pressing up against an optic nerve in his brain that caused all this. (information when there're so many people around, it's like a HUGE game of telephone, who can really tell sometime - water cooler news when you're in the circus and everyone speaks different languages )
i hope he's alright
hope not too many more people get hurt