So, a little extra time off is great, however, it'd be more great if I wasn't sick!!
at this point feel free to feel sorry for me.
there's been a little cold bug making it's way through the show. A few of the band guys have had it over the course of the past few weeks, so i suppose it was only a matter of time before i caught it.
On, the brighter side, it's given me a chance to catch up on some reading and music.

I found this interesting book called "My Lobotomy" by Howard Dully.
the title pretty much says it all. it's Howie's own account of his search as to why his parents gave the go ahead for this procedure to be performed on him when we was 12 years old! Interesting to say the least. His mother and the doctor who performed the operation have passed away at the time of the book, and the only one left is his father, so we'll see how that turns out!
my current listening has been "the Remainder" by Feist , and "Till the Sun Turns Black" by Ray LaMontagne
and I simply CAN NOT stop listening to these albums. I t should be noted that when i find a new artist i like I tend to fixate on them for quite a while until I find a new fix, but for now these are satisfying me just fine!
A couple of things that stand out are their unique voices. Feist's is so small at times, and burst out unexpectedly but not overwhemingly. her writing is magnificent! from playful, hopeful sing-a-longs that make you wanna dance and clap along to melencholy, soothing songs of love.
those who talk to me regularly have heard of my recent purchase, but the others, i'll share it here.
i recently bought a talkbox effects box for my keyboard! the easiest way to explain it if you don't know what it is is to click HERE! it's a video of the one and only Stevie Wonder using one back in 1972. So, if you haven't clicked that yet, do yourself a favor and go back and click it!
I've been playing with it here in my room and am pretty giddy about it. it's definately a new skill to learn, but it'll definately be a fun new source of sounds.
*sniffle* that is all