the hallways are very narrow, see VIDEO below, if ya haven't already, for a good idea of the inside of the cars.
anywho, 2 kinds of folks : those who hang out with their door closed, and those who keep them open. you're walking down the cars and through the vestibules, and you might see folks on their laptops, or making a meal -
watching TV, or on the phone. when you're walking through a car with all the doors closed it feels deserted. there's really no way of knowing if anyone's even home -
unless there's a lot of noise of course. no porch light that would be on, no car in the driveway, no window to catch a glimpse through - complete, uninterrupted and ABSOLUTE privacy.
it's pretty easy to keep to yourself out here - VERY easy, and VERY to yourself.
it's easy to get things done without anyone bothering you, and it's easy to be up to no good without anyone to answer to.
there are interesting people here indeed - and many interesting ways to becomes one of these interesting people - i just hope i can stay nice and plain
i was one of the people who had my door closed almost always, lol. Hows it going dawg?
door closed but que sopa concina andentro, no? :)
it's going man. good to hear from you. winter quaters IS pretty tough though. ketchup is going to be a ladybug! long story - little birdie told me que le contratan. fill me in.
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