Friday, August 31, 2007

what a wonderful world

and what an interesting life it's been ...

one of the first times my boss talked to me on the phone, he said "Don't think of it as a gig, think of it as a lifestyle change." Well, truer words were seldom spoke!

I'm here in Moline, Ill right now, and if you've you've never heard it there's a reason why. There's not much here. The claim to fame is that it's part of the "Quad Cities" Moline, Rock Island, Davenport and ----- and it's also home to the John Deere museum - no joke. I checked it out and fought the urge to buy a yellow & green camoflauge cap or commerative John Deere dartboard.

But I digress, i guess this blog has turned into a travel blog more than a circus one, and it's easy to have fun - seeing new places - which I've been doing, and it's been great. All the while, however, I guess I've been adjusting to a different life that I've been plugged right into with little warning.

I live in a 6x8 room. Yes, it's small, but it seems to suit me fine. It's imparitive to make one's room, no matter how small, "HOME." That's the 2 big issues here, I suppose: Space and Time. very little space, and almost too much free time.

Space, you can't do anything about. Mine is actually one of the mid size rooms! I have the luxury of being able to actually spread my arms out and not hit a wall.

I like my room - it gets nice and cold, I've got a nice window which is great on train runs, and room enough for my books, speakers, keyboard and guitar, microwave and food - There's really not much more that I need.

The space around the train yard is a unique element. We live on a train, yes, but trains live in train yards, so, therefore, WE live in train yards. Sure, it's not the most exotic of locales, but it's all functional. You spend your time in the city, in your room, or at the arena ... (now, that I think about it, I guess i do miss sitting on a couch, but the beds function as such so, it's a fair trade I think.)

Train yards are plain, full of other trains, and uneventful. Little if no grass, in fact, most times - ROCKS & GRAVEL. lots, and lots, of Rocks and Gravel. If we're lucky civilzation is a short walk away - I've found that's the usual case. Otherwise there's the bus.

The bus is an old schoolbus and it takes us too and from the arena. Arenas are always downtown, down where you wanna be. the bus runs once an hour so you're never "stuck" anywhere. Free bus ride into town, do what you please. At least once, and usually twice a week there are what's known as "Market Runs," also done by bus. (everything's a "run" interesting ...)

Time is a different issue - there IS a lot of it, and, sometimes, seemingly, no clocks.

We did a 3 day train run from Dallas, TX to Lexington, KY a couple of weeks ago and it just seemed like we were in this other world. there's nowhere to be - no reason to be up or go to bed. You really find out what your body's clock is like, and what You'd Really do with no outside motivators.

I, personally LOVE the train runs. People like to watch movies, read, hang out - it can be very much like a college dormitory. And, of course, you can keep to yourself if you'd like. And, the rocking of the train can provide some of the BEST sleep you'll ever have!

It's easy to spend lose track of time standing out in the vestibules, with your head sticking out, feeling the great wind rolling through, and watching the countryside go by. It really is beautiful you know. We go where highways don't, where people don't. Think about it ... how often do you really see moving trains? At crossings, right? I've found that i love passing crossings - watching people watch back. Some folks have cameras and are waving. (the train has the Ringling name emblazoned across every car)

Of course, some are just waiting for us to pass so they can get to where they're going.


Sarah Loyd said...

Cool entry... I really enjoy reading your blog and the way that you describe things. It's a really unique life you have, and it's fascinating to read about. :)

Jaime Ramirez said...

thanks! ... and thanks for reading - i wonder how many do. :) i'll try to post more often

Carrie said...

Hey there hun...
Sorry that I missed your call the other day.
Good to know that you are still doing well. My mom asked about you the other day. Apparently some branch of the circus went through Little Rock a week or so ago and she was wondering if it was you.
I told her I didn't think so, but she still thinks about you a lot... I think she has a crush on you :)

Hope to talk to you sometime soon... but with starting classes again life is crazy. I like hearing about the life on the tracks though. Take care!