Monday, March 3, 2008

going to work

i am seriously almost done with a new post, but i wanted to put this video up since it's quick and easy. I finally got my new camera - and it does video as well, so this is just a trial from that. we're there in Hamtpon, VA and we're just getting off the bus headed into the arena, the Hampton Colesium if i remember correctly.

nothing fancy, I'm just meandering backstage looking for the band dressing room when i run into Shawn, our drummer who kindly directs me. looks like he's enjoying some lovely pie car food, which just got a new paint job! it got a little banged up a little while back, and we had to endure local roach coaches in the meantime. We were excited to have our beloved pie car back and it's back to normal complete with complaining about pie car.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay for new posts!!! Keep 'em coming!