Monday, November 5, 2007


here's the video i've been working on. it took a little while, and it IS my first one, so it's not great, but i like it.

this is me, jonathan, fulkerson (seated, on the phone), shawn (cooking) and adam (sound guy - w/ iPhone)
this was shot during a train run from Des Moines, IA to boston, MA which was over 3 days long, so we had a lot of free time!

fulk, jonathan, shawn and i live on this particular car - car 190! and the video ends up on the vestibule, which is a popular hangout during runs - really whenever. the hallway is in the car, and is kinda narrow, as you can hopefully see. shawn's cooking in his room, and my socks come off in my room. it's small, but it's home!

hope you enjoy - i hope to make more like this in the future.


Sarah Loyd said...

Very cool video! Looks like you are having a great time!!

Effie said...

shannon just posted about your blog - which i didn't know existed until just now.

so yay for finding this.

is it wrong that my favorite part of the video was when your pants came off?

love, faith

Jaime Ramirez said...

well, i'm glad you found me. :) i personally like the dancing cup

Shannon Morgan said...

hey jack ass,
im not sure i like seeing you here. when you leave here i just assume you are dead. its eaiser that way, not that i know your alive i might have to hunt you down and kill you.
love and kisses
david (morgan)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

wow! cool video! Man, it really is tight in there. Glad you are having a good experience.

